A device that is becoming hot favourite with speedsters but the police is demanding a ban on it
Target Blu Eye is a £999 gadget which alerts the speeding motorists of oncoming police cars and emergency vehicles nearby. This is the reason why police and motoring authorities have called for a ban on this device. The makers of Target Blu Eye claim that there dashboard mounted device is absolutely legal.
This device detects encoded radio signals and sends warnings to the motorists, for example, if there is a 999 vehicle approaching within 1,200 yards, the device will pop green light on the display so the driver may know what’s coming towards it and how close is it. As that vehicle gets nearer, it detects the distance and the green light turns into amber which then finally turnsin to red when the vehicle is just at a distance of few yards.
CBS Automotive, UK distributor of Target Blu Eye proudly said that their revolutionary device will help big time in accident prevention by alerting the motorists about an emergency vehicle approaching for the rescue. The best thing about Target Blu Eye is that it can detect these encoded signals from almost a distance of half a mile. It is also capable of detecting police radio signals from police officers who are patrolling on the beat, that’s not all, it can even get the signals from force helicopters.
This is why, Ian Johnston, Gwent Police Crime Commissioner, has demanded a ban on these devices and referred to them as “Passport to villainy” as according to him, a law-abiding citizen does not need it. He further added that if the sellers think that this device will help reduce accidents, they are being naïve.
The managing director of CBS Automotive, Naeem Khokhar, totally disagrees. He said that his device will help serve the law better. No one would try to engage in a criminal activity if one knows some officers are around. The vice-chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, Steve Evans, expressed his grave concerns about any product that may compromise the safety ofgeneral public or the police officers.