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Is Air Pollution Killing the Brains?

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A team of European researchers has found that the breathing in the polluted air kills the mind by delaying the overall response time of the human brain.

Scientists, doctors and even the general public is agreed upon the statement that air pollution is dangerous for lungs. Now the new hypothesis proves that the air pollution kills the mind through smell.

Interesting part of the study

The study has been conducted in collation with Swiss and German researchers. They found that the pollutants can physically damage the human brain and the minimum level of damage is reduced functionality. Brian has an independent connection with the lungs.

The team of scientists said that the findings disapprove the hypothesis that the air pollution, first decreases the lungs functionality, and in the return it decreases the brain functionality and causes the cognitive impairment by releasing the fatigue and stress signals to the humeral mediator into the human body.

What part of vehicle engines play in killing the brain?

The results of the hypothesis testing raised a serious question that how a car engine fits in this scenario? Scientists said that the dust and smoke particles from the engine exhaust directly impact the central nervous system through the sense of smell.

Cars, trucks and general transport on roads are the leading source of these dangerous pollutants and the study supports its argument with the example from USA that according to the MIT, pollution by vehicles kills about 53,000 people in the USA every year. Which is very alarming for us. If it is true? Then it is almost double than the killings caused by the road accidents in the United States. however, British officials are also running the campaign against diesel and petrol cars where London Mayor Boris Johnsons’ campaigns against petrol and diesel vehicles, Nick Clegg has demanded a ban on diesel and petrol cars till 2040

A study from the University of Toronto Canada says that only 25 percent vehicles on the road are responsible for 90 percent of the pollution. It is not pollution led by the faulty engines but it is led by the poor driving techniques.

What do you think that in this situation Governments should take serious actions to reduce the air pollution in your country?
Or just let the things as they are? And risk the lives of their people. Come up with constructive ideas, comment and arguments at our social media platforms.

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