Friends today are the most searched question on Google “How to Make Money Online – How to Earn Money Online from Internet ………” Yes, guys, you may have searched many times, but do you think earn money like this Is Possible? Many people want to earn money but they think that all this is fraud, there is nothing other than thugs, there is no work even if sitting at home, and if you do work then will not know whether to pay or not. Many of these types of questions will also come to your mind. But friends do not do anything if you work with honesty and hard work, then you can really earn money online without any investment and easily Learntechnews.com.
Online Money Making is one of the two biggest questions of people. Firstly, if we can really earn money online then “how to – how” and another “how much – how much” Friends, the answer to the first question is that there are more than 10 ways in which we can earn money online. There are many ways in Blogging, YouTube, Affiliate Marketing, Freelancing, Direct Advertising, eBook selling, but if you talk about Best 2, Blogging and YouTube will come. You can write a separate article about all of these in the details.
Talking to another question, many people do not earn anything by working for months and many people are earning up to Rs 10,000 to Rs 1 lakh a month. There are many such videos whose up-loaders have earned millions of videos from the same video. Do you remember the song “Why This Kolaveri Di”, this single song has so far earned more than 50 million since YouTube and is still doing it? Similarly, a video is “Charlie bit my Finger” which has so far earned over 100 million on YouTube.
The most important thing in Online Earning is that you have to be patient. If you do not get success in the beginning, then do not be disappointed and continue to do your work with full dedication. Whether you are an Expert of the Internet or a brand new one, you will get complete information about how “How to earn money from YouTube” through this article.
What is YouTube – What is YouTube and how does it work?
Before knowing how to make money through YouTube we know what YouTube is. So, friends, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world of the Internet, as well as the largest Video Sharing Platform. Which has 300 hours of video uploaded every 1 minute and 800 million unique users watch videos on YouTube each month?
As you know, YouTube is also another Google product. Anyone here can upload and upload a video which people can search for. You have also used YouTube, and about 90% of you are such that every day you access YouTube. When you play a video, before the video is played, an advertisement is displayed on it, which can be skipped after 5 seconds, and even after watching the video, some advertisements are still visible. Friends, this is the only advertising you can earn. So let us know how to earn money by uploading Video on YouTube.
Way to Earn from YouTube – How to Make Money from YouTube:
Friends, if you have any unique talent, or if there is any information that can be useful to other people, then you can share it on YouTube by making a video of that information. With this, you can become Famous but at the same time, you can earn money from your creative too. You can create a video on any topic that comes out well or you are a specialist like – Some Tips, Teaching Yoga and Exercising Ways, Rating to Mobiles and Gadget, Movie Reviews, Reviews on Different places you visited, Singing, Dancing, Teaching, Beauty Parlor, Cooking, etc. Any kind of videos which people like. To make money from YouTube, you have to make High-Quality Video which people like and watch again and again. After that, that video has to be monetized in Advertising Networks. After that, when you start seeing Traffic / Views on YouTube Video Channel, that means people will start watching it, then you will start making money.
Friends, today I will tell you the complete process of earning money from YouTube through this post. Which I have divided into total 4 steps.
Step 1: Creating your YouTube Channel and Video Upload on YouTube
Step 2: Monetizing video on YouTube means linking to ads.
Step 3: Moving Traffic / Views of Video Meaning SEO
Step 4: How Your Money Will Affect Your Account
Step 1 – Create YouTube Channel and Upload your Video –
- First you have to create an account on YouTube, if you have a Gmail account already, you do not need to create a new account, because YouTube is also a service from Google and all of Google’s services like Google, Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, Google Adsense, Google Ad words, Google Plus, Google Analytics, Play Store, etc. can be managed from a single Gmail account. If you still do not have a Gmail account, you can create one by visiting here.
- After that, you open your account by logging in on YouTube.
- Make this your own original video, which you can put on YouTube. Whatever video you create should be 100% of you, that means your video should be absolutely unique. Copies from anywhere should not be stolen and stolen.
- After all, upload your Video to YouTube. For this, you go to the option of Upload in Right Corner of your YouTube Account and select your Video.
- After uploading the video, give it a nice title, write in Video about 300-400 words in Video, Insert Video related Keywords and Publish. After this, your video will start seeing people, meaning people will start watching.
- Similarly, make your videos regularly and upload them. Then comes the second step of monetizing, which will earn you money.
Part 2 – Monetizing Video on YouTube
There are many options available to earn money from YouTube, from which I will tell you about the 2 most important “Google AdSense” and “Affiliate Marketing” through this article.
Google AdSense –
- It is best to find the best method available on YouTube; first of all, you have to log in on YouTube. Then click on the My Channel option below the YouTube logo.
- Now, just below the Search Bar will be the option of Video Manager, click on it, this will open your Video Manager from which you will be able to manage all your videos. Now click on the Channel option on the right-hand side.
- When you see the option of Monetization in front, enable it. After this, you will open a pop-up window, which you have to follow step-by-step.
- Now as soon as you complete all the steps, you will be back in the Video Manager. There you will see that the video you uploaded will have a $ sign coming in, which means that your channel has been monetized.
- Now you have to monetize each video, for this, you need to monetize the video which you want to monetize, select it from the checkbox and right click on the action, you will get the option of monetizing, select which all your videos will be monetized and Sign of $ will come.
- Now you have to link your AdSense Account with YouTube, click on Monetization in the Channel Tab, click on “How will I be paid?” Then click on “Link to associate an AdSense account” that will appear. (AdSense Account is actually the account from which you manage your ads and all the information about how much money you have made)
- Now if your AdSense account is already created, it will become Associate with it or else you will ask to follow some steps. First, click on Next> Then click on Sign in> Then click on Save and Continue> Now get a form by filling it. This way your AdSense account will be linked to YouTube.
Note – An average video that gets 100,000 views can earn at least $ 250- $ 500 dollars with the help of Google AdSense.
Step 3 – Increase Traffic / Views of Video (SEO)
Friends, everything goes smoothly so far. The real hard work now starts with how people know about your video and how many people come to watch your video. To increase the Traffic / Views of your Video, you have to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization). For this, in the beginning, send your videos to your friends in your Blog, Website, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, E-mail or any other way, your friends will see your video by clicking on your link and slowly watching it on Growth will start. Chat with your visitors through comments and answer their comments. If possible, create videos directly related to their questions sometimes. This will make people feel connected to you and more visitors will come to your channel.
Step 4 – How will the money from YouTube come into your account?
This is the most popular and common question of all the readers: Whatever money we earn online from Video or Blogging, how will it come to our account? Friends, it is very easy and there is no risk or fraud. Right now we have seen how much money we earn from YouTube or Blogging comes into our AdSense account every month. Now you have to put Bank Account details on AdSense means Your Bank Account is linked to your AdSense Account which is approved by Google which takes 2 to 7 days. After this, the money will be automatically transferred to your bank account every month.