If often happens that parents forget that their kids are in the back seat and turn the ignition off, endangering child’s life. Now Walmart is trying to save your baby.
Every now and then, we hear a tragic news of some child left locked alone inside a hot car while the parents or relatives completely forget about them being in the car at all. Recently a 2-year-old baby in Kansas became the victim of the tragic incident of the same nature, being left alone in the hot car – but fortunately, a group of kind-hearted strangers rescued her on Saturday.
Her 23- year-old cousin admitted that it completely slipped his mind that she was sleeping in the back seat. In the wake of this incident, Walmart has announced on Thursday that it is going to release a first-of-its-kind car seat which will help save the child’s life.
What is so special about this seat?
This is a state-of-the-art seat, dubbed the Evenflo Advanced Embrace DLX Infant Car Seat with SensorSafe technology, it comprises a sensor on the harness’s chest clip which will be – when the ignition is turn off – transmitting a signal using Wi-Fi to a wireless receiver plugged into the car’s data port.
To remind the drivers that a baby is in the back seat, the clip will be projecting a jingle sound if the chest clip is not released after the ignition is turned off.
Do we really need such seats?
Every car available on the market today is offering seat belts and reminders, but none of them reminds that a baby is in the back seat.
So there is a grave need for this kind of reminders as earlier this month, in Florida, an 11-month-old baby died after his parent – while unloading groceries – left him in the car and then completely forgot about him being in the car.
According to Florida Department of Highway Safety, since the start of 2015, that death is the ninth vehicular heatstroke death in the U.S.A.
Will it really help save child’s life?
Sarah McKinney, Walmart’s director of corporate communications, told Yahoo Parenting “This car seat will eliminate the chance of a baby being forgotten in a car, our hope is that no one would ever need the SensorSafe system, but the reality is that one child dies every nine days from being left in the car.”
It isn’t that parents or caretakers leave babies in the car on purpose, sometimes they are preoccupied but a reminder would definitely help save the lives.