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Think! Drive! China Answers to Self-Driving Technology

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Google Self Drive

Drivers Brain signals drive the car

The world is talking about the revolutionary self-driving technology, its feasibility and legal implications etc. But the Chinese engineers have gone forwarded with their out of the box thinking, yes, the Chinese engineers have developed a car controlled by mind.

Brain-Controlled Car

According to the details, the mind-controlled car technology has been developed by the engineers at Tianjin’s Nankai University, the mind-blowing technology is based on the system which applies “thoughts into motion”.

This technology reads the human brain and translates thoughts into motion, although the engine technology is way more complex as it seems.

Thoughts into Motion Technology

The details of the project indicate that there are the 16 sensors arranged like nodes that will capture the signals from the driver’s brain and these signals are being translated into a backward and forward motion.

The signals are called EEG or electroencephalogram. The EEG ninja’s power is a short name of the “thoughts into motion translation” system. The brain-controlled car project is headed by Zhang Zhao.

He argues that the brains signals are captured by brain signals reading equipment and then send to the computer wirelessly. The computer is programmed in a way that it can identify brain-signals and then categorises the signals based on driver’s intentions.

After identification and categorisation of the signals is finished, the programmed computer translates the refined signals into control command to the car. The central idea of the whole process is to refine the EEG signals with the help of programmed computer.

The Great Wall SUV

The head of the project highlighted that the testing has been made on the Great Wall SUV (the vehicle name). Some of the leading automobile companies have appreciated the technology. Keep visiting this page for regular news and updates of engine technologies.

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